Thursday, June 19, 2008

Parting words - for a while

I have decided to do no more commenting or blogging until my exams are over much later in the year. I will just put some key points on the record. Christianity is not a "someone else will do it for me religion" It is not responsible for the problems in south Auckland. Altruism is not a negative value nor anti freedom. Altruism actually allows one to have a purpose and success in life without worrying about having happiness or success but still achieving it. This is also not contrary to the put your own oxygen mask on first in the aeroplane philosophy. As I am aware, most altruists (maybe not Gandhi) eat an ensure there own survival to be able to do their work.

Please comment on and discuss my posts, I will return to the discussion later in the year.

God to be prosecuted under EFA

On Tuesday, labour party president Mike Williams lodged a complaint with the electoral commision claiming that Jesus was a conservative and that the bible encouraged a vote for national. John Key disputed this and claimed that the bible says that It would be harder for a rich man to get into heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. "Labour wants no-one to be rich" he said. However the electoral commission spokesman Wallace smith said yesterday "We have contacted god and he admitted that his publication encourages a vote for the Libertarianz party. He told us that he is all for freedom of choice."
Inside sources say that there have been significant internal ructions within the Libertarianz pary. While key members of the party who are objectivists wish to renounce God's support, a lone Christian in the libertarianz party is threatening to start a breakaway "Jesus for Freedom" Party.

Rodney Hide this morning however disputed the claim that God supported Liberarianz. Mr Hide said "the bible clearly wants us to have the guts to do whats right, and therefore is clearly in favour of ACT".
Blogger and commenter on "NOT PC" Comrade MOT also cited the prayer made popular by alcoholics anonymous "GOD, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Comrade explains that "this clearly shows that God supports Act over Libz."

Note: God Loves you, and bitter and twisted atheists should grow up.